The earthquake in Donggala and Palu
I saw the beautiful line from FB and I ask my FB friend to post this beautiful line then I decided to post this beautiful line in my personal Blog. The author of this poetry was my Head of Lingusitics Department when I was in Graduated School. and i will try to translate it because she must be choose the pricese diction in her poetry
here is the line:
mosque near by the Palu Great Mall before hit by Tsunamee. the photo retrieved from my co-worker group. |
rigth after a few second of earthquake, the tsunamee came and hit the coastal and everything around it, including Mosque. retrieved from google |
this video was sent by my friend from her husband's friend.
This picture is retrieved from online news |
here is the line:
Sebuah Puisi
(Gempa dan Tsunami Palu dan Donggala)
Oleh Nurhayati Syair
(Gempa dan Tsunami Palu dan Donggala)
Oleh Nurhayati Syair
Kepala tertunduk pada wacana-Mu
Pada sentilan air, gentaran, dan hembusan.
Menyiram salju dalam hati
Menyadarkan angkara dalam jiwa.
Pada sentilan air, gentaran, dan hembusan.
Menyiram salju dalam hati
Menyadarkan angkara dalam jiwa.
Tuhanku, apakah ini semiotik-Mu
Pada gitar yang lupa pada nadanya
Pada burung yang lupa pada kicaunya.
Pada pelangi yang lupa pada warnanya.
Pada gitar yang lupa pada nadanya
Pada burung yang lupa pada kicaunya.
Pada pelangi yang lupa pada warnanya.
Tuhanku apakah ini semantik-Mu
Memaknakan pada keangkuhan
Memaknakan pada kesombongan
Memaknakan pada kepapahan iman.
Memaknakan pada keangkuhan
Memaknakan pada kesombongan
Memaknakan pada kepapahan iman.
Dalam fakta sintaksis-Mu
Terpenakan dalam kitab-Mu
Jiwa pun terkulai sadar
Dalam kedahsyatannya.
Terpenakan dalam kitab-Mu
Jiwa pun terkulai sadar
Dalam kedahsyatannya.
Makassar, 30 September 2018
Your Linguistics
(Earthquake and Tsunamee in Palu and Donggala)
Written By Nurhayati Syair
Our Head crouch on *YOUR-DISCOURSE*
Move Onto the stream, vibration, and flow
break the frozen in our heart
awaken consciuosness in our soul
O, My Lord is this Your Semiotics?
Onto the guitar which had forgot its pitch
Onto the bird which had forgot its tweet
Onto the rainbow which had forgot its colour
O my Lord, Is this Your Semantics?
pointed remarks about greediness
pointed remarks about arrogant
pointed remarks about faith-weakness
On Your Syntaxes-Fact
Smitten by Your Book
Our Soul Hanging Down on our consciousness
On Your Greatness
Written in Macassar, 30 Sept 2018
translated by Pratiwi Sakti in Sumbawa Besar, 30 Sept 2018
i was smitten by this poetry when I was stalking my own FB wall. look what IS happening in FB is one of my routine if I have internet connection on my desk in my small dorm.
linguistics is a study of language as a theoritical science. discourse is a study of language and how language interact with reality based on context that is happaning now. semiotics is a study of sign in language and sign in gesture. semantics is study of a text based on context independent. it means that text apart from context. syntaxes is a study about sentence and the component within, i.e. words, words order and morphemes (free morpheme and boud morpheme).
as a moslem i believe that disaster is a warnig from our Lord about our dereliction and our greediness. about being not caring the poor and being doing the sin and dishonest, being ungenerous to the poor and being fighting to each other. because based on the prothet statement in his hadeeth (the guidance that was issued by Rasulullah Muhammas shalallahu alaihi salam). he stated that
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