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#4 Movie Review “The Sinking of Van Der Wijck”

In kampong Batipuh, Hayati opened the window while her ninik started to discuss concerning hayati’s life. Elders were discussing two persons were going to proposing hayati, they were zainuddin and aziz. Zainuddin sent a letter of proposal and Aziz sent his representative to propose hayati. Elder ninik opened the meeting by saying God Sake and the matters were going to discuss. Younger heard and gave comment yet the elder still operating and covering the discussion till the end. If the younger gave a comment they clashed it directly saying that younger less experience and not really competent in life, though they were immature yet. Elder knew best and more how life was going on. Mak interupeted the speech by saying hayati’s love to Zainuddin “cinta hayati’s still lakke to zainuddin” thought hayati argued then hayati gave up her love to zainuddin. End of the meeting floor were decided they were going to accept Aziz’s proposal instead of Zainuddin’s proposal.  
Image result for zainuddin hayati in party

This scene clearly showed us how racist and financial has power in society especially in the matter of marriage. They less paid attention on Aziz’s pass as the one who has complicated pass.

Day after, Hayati sent a letter to Zainuddin informed that it was better for Zainuddin to forget all their promise and plan ahead. Yet zainuddin never gave up, he asked his cousin about Aziz’s profile. Zainuddin informed hayati that Aziz was not a good man, he used to ruin wife-husband relationship in padang panjang. He had a lot of debt in Bandar judi. Although he was working in kantor pemerintah hindia belanda, yet his attitude was bad. Hayati relpied Zainuddin’s letter by saying it was not enough to build family without money. They need money to make a relationship working and she suggested Zainuddin to find out a rich and noble woman who has money and power to marry. Not her, who has same status with him, orphan. Zainuddin sent back a letter to hayati once more time before days hayati’s and Aziz’s wedding set up. Zainuddin warned “did their relationship end up this way? Did hayati forget her promise at the bank of lake? Did hayati forget her words that love based on the beauty of behave was better than power, money and anything else beside?” did her love was wiped up by Aziz’s power and money?” Hayati replied “this is her choice to marry Aziz, no one force her to marry Aziz, now better for them to be separated and continue their own life separatedly as friend not a couple. It is better to be friend.” zainuddin received a letter with full of tears while he was reading reading hayati’s letter. He recited Qur’an with full of tears and broken heart.

In this scene the director did his job very good as written in the novel. It clearly showed that hayati’s against her heart while zainuddin confirmed that they can pass through this path together if hayati was persistent. Nevertheless hayati broke her own promise and follow her ninik’s advice made everything was usual and should be the way it was. Hayati’s brother Ahmad kept a post boy between hayati and zainuddin before hayati’s wedding. In this process hayati tried to forget all about zainuddin, yet zainudin couldt do that. It was too tough. To forget all things about hayati. Zainuddin tried hard to avoid hayati to get married with Aziz by warned hayati about aziz’s deed and attitude. Yet, hayati keep go on her ninik’s plan. Zainuddin end up with broken heart.

Two months later, zainuddin had sick to die. Suffering for hayati’s left. He was halutinated by hayati’s presence. He thought every new person came to his chamber was hayati. His cousin and her aunty were custoding zainuddin and felt pity. A doctor regularly came and suggested aunty to call hayati for the sake of humanity. Hayati and her husband came. Laying in weakness in his bed, finally hayati called zainuddin. Zainuddin recognized hayati’s voice and woke up. He spoke to hayati, hoping that hayati will follow him. Aunty and cousin felt desperately pity to zainuddin, doctor did.

“Hayati come along for me, I am going to lead you a day after wedding till your last breath, will you take me as your weddid husband?” said Zainuddin

 Zaiunddin raised his hand to grasp hayati’s hand, he saw hayati’s hand was full of henna (a traditional tattoo as proof a woman just married) then he awared that hayati’s was married to other man. He desperately said

“Oh, now you are not mine anymore. You are belong to other”

“Then all of you, go off me. I don’t have any relationship with you anymore. Go away please. Leave me alone here” shouted zainuddin with makassarese dialect. this scene was viral.

Aziz took hayati’s hand while hayati want to touch zainuddin’s shoulder. Aziz said, “why do you spend your time with unexpeceted man?”

In this scene, it showed that although hayati married Aziz, hayati still have sense of humanity to Zainuddin. Though, zainuddin’s illness was because of her uncontinuos love. Zainuddin awared that life was never the same as before as famous proverb saying “nasi sudah menjadi bubur” literally translated “ rice has become porridge” or loosely translated “what has happened will never changed the reality”.. hayati belong to Aziz and Zainuddin was left behind. Zainuddin was suffering from his deep love to Hayati and awared that he has lost Hayati ever after. Yet, his heart, love and compassion to hayati snever changed. As he said in his last letter to hayati “the beauty of money, power, and noblelity of Aziz had bought your love to me”. Although he knew that hayati did those not merely her own decision yet her ninik forced her to decide.  that Zainuddin love still presence. It was undeniable.

Next day, cousin came to zainuddin’s chamber. They had little chat yet it was core for zainuddin’s life transformation. Cousin said:

 “awak (you) are intelligent, dignity and keen man. I like your writing in news. Why don’t you continue your career in writing? I believe your writng wil become famous one and can beat all writing in city”                   

“Am I?”

“Yes, you are. You are excellent in writing a narration and sort of things”

Zainuddin listened

“why don’t you write a hikayat that will inspire other”

“but, I don’t have any future after hayati’s left. Hayati is my life”

“please, don’t do that, a blossom is not only she. A flower is not only she. In this moment you can write your story and feeling in your writing. I believe lot and lot of people are going to interested in. don’t end up as us as pareman kampong. You are educated and keen man. You deserve more than this. You can get girl better than hayati. Now you are in sorrow while hayati and her husband in luxury life. She never though about you, about your feeling and your heart about you rencourage and sacrifice to approach her. Never at all, so why do you suffer your self to think about her?. Please wake up. This is life. You have to face this life.

In this conversation zainuddin wake up his sorrowness and aware that in order to change his life. He has to leave Padang Panjang and find new direction in his life. So he and his cousin decided to go to Batavia, in Batavia they can find a lot of opportunity. Zainudin can create his new career as famous author. He can get lesson and be a publisher. Be a publisher can enhance his future career as author. He and his cousin rent a small house that comfortable for him to write. Cousin presence in zainuddin’s life was significant and zainuddin was lucky.

It showed us, friend’s presence in our life was significant. A true friend could be proofed by his presence in the time of crisis. Zainuddin fully understand that life was never be the same and he has to move on.
To be continued


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