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How Women Cope with Loneliness

How The Career Women Cope with Loneliness
Women are the one who waiting for groom instead of seeking groom. Whether they are pious girl or not. Almost all girls need a certainty from relationship. These kind of traditional mindsets are still posed by career women. At the light conservation with my co-workers. we were chatting about the relationship of our friend which is quite sensitive but damn important (important for us to have such lesson from other). From the light conversation I concluded that: Women  dating for certainty “” will that man is the one will propose me soon?” Men  dating for ensure his choice “”is she the best woman?” Then when he felt “this woman will not suit for me and my family then he will left the woman behind”. The reason why I said like that “because I had been told by three different men with different status. They are all my friend and co-workers. First, When I was doing my job as an interpreter (this is one of the benefit of being an interpreter because you have a lot of experience and sense of belonging when u interact with the local people). Well, the local nurse in a remote village said to us when we were doing interpreting. He said: “I am one of the son in my family So when I was dating with a girl I ensue myself before I introduce her to my family “whether this girl good or not” so I used to going steady with one girl for years and then if I/She felt not comfortable we quit then I move to the other girls that is more decent to me and to my family” some girls do the same thing like this. But which one of these sexes decide to propose first kind of matter. It is famous that man go first rather than woman… And there are some not find their spouse by dating, yet by arranged marriage. Quite difficult for women because Indonesia culture especially at Bima. It is more eligible if man propose first, instead. Even thought in Islam there is no such thing, Khadijah the first wife of rasulullah Muhammad propose Muhammad first, instead. At the conclusion from this deduction is “I would say, women better waiting for the man who dare to say first, instead. And women need certainty from arranged marriage or her boyfriend.” The question now is “how career women cope with loneliness?” 1. They are more concern with their work and their hobby. Some of the career women now are middle class women and they can pay their hobby. For example traveling and culinary. 2. They more focus on their education, and something they can achieve as easily and fastly. while waiting man is we cannot predict what time the man will come. 3. They more trust on the man who has not only good education but also good job as well 4. The man with good job is not enough yet without good understanding of their religion. So nowadays woman sees not only man on their job but also their honesty and faith. Because it is damn important to man for having faith in order to be a ruler and guidance for the whole member of family 5. The last but not least, there is unknown famous proverb saying “because marriage is a long life devotion, -it is such a duty and also a pleasure that you have to fulfill in your long life term- so woman need the one who really wants to study how to make marriage to be better.” Until our hair turn grey together. Then when the woman find the one fit in this last point she will choose him no matter what.


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