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The fredom writers. film review

The freedom writers
Film review.

Versi Indonesia tersedia dibawah teks ini.

I found this film just on my friend’s laptop. She really interested in sort of film. Then I copied this film immediately. The fim just told the story of children in school at room 203. They came from different race, ethnics, and social class. Alot of students are not white people. They gathered in one room by new regulation. They don’t know each other till one amazing and fresh teacher turned it up. The new teacher was Ms. G. She just merried with an architect. Become a teacher was her new experiance. On the other side, the a girl was sittin in front of her house. She waiting for her father to carry her along to school. Suddenly the bad accident happened right in front of her eyes. The herd of man shooted his friend’s father. His friiend’s fater is dead in foront of her eyes. While heard the shoot her father run out and captured by the police. She looked her father is prisoned by police with no reason. The reason just because they are different race. Her father is striked by police in police station. She looked that happened with her bare eyes. Then when she teenage she was recruited by the geng and become a new comer. 

She is striked by her senior due to turn her as a strong geng crew.
She never expected to born as a geng’s daughter. He really upset in her every day. When she went out of her door. Whetever her skin she/he will be shooted unless her/his skin is white. Then in another scene there is a women who really spirit. She is explaining that she was graduated in hig level. She really anthusiasm in teaching and she will make a great change and development for the students future. She chatted with the senior teahcer for several times. The senior teacher explained to her that her class in room 203. The new teache is Ms. G. She entered the room, she cleaned the blackboard and wrote her nama in the blackboard. Ms. Growell. The bell rang and she watched out side her room. The students walked outside the room. They passed Ms. Growell one by one. Ms Growell still wait till a group of students entered her room from the last seats. She smiled to her students friendly and welcome her students kindly.

The students come in the class and they suit their selves. But something wrong in Ms. Growell eyes. The students just sit down according to their same race and ethnics. The students don’t melt each other with different race and ethnics. They just speak to their same skin. They just communicate with their same geng. The black people with the black people. The kambojda people with the kambojda people. The Chinese with the Chinese. The negro with the negro, the white with the white. They just care with their own group. Jamal is a black group, eva is latin group. Han is Korean or Chinese student. And the rest students are not from white. Just one student from white people. Ms. G asked eva “why she really hate white person?” Eva answered “that all chaos in her life and other person life because of white people. She looked black people and the rest except white are shooted in front of her eyes so she hate white people inside”. Ms. G heard eva statement with kept her drop tears beside her eyes. 

Then she asked to the floor. 
“do you know holocaust?, anybody in this class know holocaust rise your hand!” said Ms. G loudly. Then there is no student rise their hand except a man who was white and he is sitting at the second line before the last line. Ms. G. tears and she asked again in strong and confidence voice. 
“Anybody have been shoted by gun?” asked by Ms. G
One student raised their hand and all of student in the class raise their hand except the white person. Ms. G looked her students and drop her tears.
One day Ms. G walked around the classes and she looked over the students in the field. the sight is same. The white students just play with the white student. The black student gathered and played with the black only.

Till one day Ms. Growell switch their seat. Jamal and the chaos students in front of her and the silent. She made a line game to remember all memory of their dead friends because of geng battle. They stated felt comfort with Ms. G method in teaching them grammar. Ms. G spread the note book for them so they can write all their experience in that book. Whatever it, their bad feeling, their happiness, their hope in their future, their past stories, and event happen recent time. Every thing. Whatever it is.

Ms. G worked part time to fulfill books in her class so they can read a lot of novel and short stories about geng story. In one occasion Ms. G spread novel “The diary of Anna Frank”. They read that novel absorbed. All student read that book. While, Ms. G read her students story in those books and really absorbed by their story. She showed the students story to her father and discussed that stuff to her father. Her father was open minded person. Her father support her to do part time job as bra seller and waitress in a restaurant, his husband not allow her instead. Even though, she struggled for her student future. She had to buy novels to her students so they can read and write as a senior high student. She will not connive her students reached reading and writing capacity like 5 Grade pupils. So she struggled day bay day to support and communicate with them heart to heart. She Solved their problem and served her suggestion if the students need.

All students had read “the diary of Anna Frank”. Suddenly eva came and shouted Ms. G. she angry why Ms. G not telling her that Anna Frank is dead. She really angry till Brion overlapped Eva and Ms. G discussion. He said that he really love the story of Anna Frank. He uttered “why don’t they invite Mrs. … to come to their class and make a seminar”. Ms. G upset and said to Brion that it must be need a lot of money and Ms. G cannot afford that stuff by herself. Brion trusted Ms. G that she never alone in this project. The student will hep it happen and make it come true. The student held a charity party and sale for submit fund to prepare seminar day by day till they can effort the fund. Brion asked Ms. G 
“Mam I just have one wish, if Ms… come in this seminar, Let me welcome her with my hand, I will walk by her side” said Brion
The seminar is set up and Mrs. … welcomed by Brion. Mrs… sat down in front of floor told her experienced help Anna Frank and jew were massacred by Hitler at that time. The floor really absorbed the story of Anna Frank according to the witness story. Till brion raise his hand and tell his feeling and appreciation to Mrs …. He said that
“mam you are my hero. I was driven from my house by my mom. I entered in geng when I was child” said Brion comprehension.
“no man, I am not your hero. You are my hero. I just ordinary person, I just do what I have to do, everybody here is ordinary person we can light up our surrounding through our hand. You are hero because you can life save till today. You are the hero ladies and gentlemen’s” 

Ms. G lend the students computer so they can type their story and published it widely. At the last second year. Ms. G was called by principal, head master and minister of education. She is interviewed concerning what have been she done to her student so their grammatical, mathematic, writing and reading scores raise rapidly. Ms. G telling the truth and the minister of education heard thoroughly. The Minister of education looked two principels in front of her then smile besides in her table there is a printed book entitled “The diary of freedom writer’s”. SHE SMILES. 
 Yah saya menemukan film ini di PC salah satu teman yang juga pencinta film barat. Yup, nama film ini the freedom writers, bercerita akan film penyiksaan yang dialami selain kulit putih. Awalnya film ini diawali dengan pengalaman seorang gadis yang bernama eva. Gadis ini melihat tragedy penembakan kawan ayahnya ketika dia sedang bermain boneka didepan rumahnya. Dia melihat kawan ayahnya ditembak oleh sekelompok orang dan polisi malah menangkap ayahnya sebagai pelaku. Eva memiliki masa kecil yang sangat tidak menyenangkan. Dia besar dengan amarah dan kebencian akan kulit putih. Hingga dia masuk SMA dan bertemu dengan seorang guru baru yang baru mengajar di sekolah itu. Guru itu dikenal dengan Ms. G. ketika bel berbunyi siswa Ms. G masuk kelas dan berkerumun dengan kelompok mereka masing-masing. Orang kulit putih berkerumun dengan ornag kulit putih, orang negro berkerumun dengan orang negro, orang kamboja berkerumun sesame kamboja, orang cina berkerumun sesame cina, meksiko sesame meksiko dan seterusnya. 
Hari terus berlalu hingga, sebuah kekacauan terjadi. Para murid berkumpul dilapangan dan saling beradu gulat satu sama lain antar suku dan ras. Hari berlalu hingga Ms. G menemukan ide yang baik bagaimana mengetuk pintu hati mereka sehingga nilai mereka semakin naik dan bertambah. Termasuk nilai matematika dan tatabahasa mereka. Ms. G rela bekerja paruh waktu untuk membeli buku agar buku itu dihadiahkan kepada anak muridnya sehingga mereka mau membaca dan menulis pengalaman hidup mereka. Ms. G menawarkan sebuah buku kosong kepada masing-masing murid dan mengatakan kepada mereka bahwa mereka bebas menulis apapun dalam buku itu. Kebahagiaan, kejengkelan dan perasaan mereka akan masa lalu, masa depan dan apa yang sedang terjadi sekarang. Mereka mulai munulis dan Ms. G membaca buku itu dengan detail hingga Ms. G meminta solusi kepada ayahnya untuk membantunya. Ayahnya terharu dengan pekerjaan Ms. G dan tidak bisa mengeluarkan sepatah kata akan bakat mengajar yang dimiliki Ms. G. you must watch this film. 



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