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Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck. Film Review

Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck
This film was based on the well known novel wrote by the famous writer at balai pustaka era. Hamka was his name. He wrote a lot of novel in Islamic and romance genres. He is known by his portrayed in novel tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck. Di Bawa Naungan Ka’bah and so on. Honestly I ever read this novel when I was first grade at university. But I was not finish it yet, till I found my neighbor read it with his wife and they lend me it too. I was really happy that day because I can read that novel completely. Now back to our topic.
The film was made by the famous director name Sunil Punjabi. According to the several sources I read and I can’t remember it because I think “I will not write this stuff”. This film was the expensive film ever in history because it needs five years to do casting in searching the right artist and find the proper location for the scenario. Lets take a look, for search an artist as a nurhayati, they need two years. Imagine?!. Well the film and true novel was quite different. I will say 20% different at the last scene. So let me report the film and the novel based on my sight.
The film is started at scene “a man is standing in front of shore watching a quiet wave. He standing using Buginess traditional sarung. Then he walked to wood house asked permission to Mak Basse to visit his father land in Padang. Mak Basse felt anxiety “maybe his relative in Padang not accept him properly as a sutan’s son”. The man convinced Mak Basse that he will be alright over there. Don’t worry said the Man. The man monologue guide the film at first scene till he departed from Makassar to Padang. He wrote letter for Mak Basse then said “I am fine her mom, don’t be bother with money problem just use it the way it is.” Said the man to his nanny, mak Basse.
“Assalamu’alaikum” said the man in front of rumah gadang and knocked the door slowly.
“wa’alaikum salam, who over there?” said the voice inside
“I am Zainuddin from Makassar, the sutan’s son. I am searching for Mande jamilah’s house” Said zainuddin
“oh,, zainudddin from Makassar? The sutan’s son? I am Mande Jamilah. What happen come night?” said mande jamilah at the door mouth.
“yes, I am Zainuddin come from Makassar to see my father’s born land” said zainuddin brightly
“oh please come along with me” they seated in the living room. Mande jamilah, uncle and zainuddin
“oh, I am sorry Zainuddin, I am not intend to refuse you but it better if we talk to the ceremony leader” said mande jamilah, nevertheless her husband not agree
“Don’t bother mande, I have a tiny money maybe it could help you decrease the daily expense” said Zainuddin humble and forward money several guldens on table right mande jamilah. Mande jamilah grab the money,. Her husband winked seen disagree with mande jamilah attitude.                      

In the morning
Zainuddin dan Mande Jamilah Husband walked around the village. Mande Jamilah husband guide Zainuddin and explained several attitude that may and may not be done on that village. Suddenly a traditional transportation delman across by them. The zainuddin and uncle looked the delman and the passengers. There are two passengers, a woman and a boy. Actually in this scene the director make it slow motion. Let me guess, because this is the first meeting between Zainuddin and Hayati. Hayati was sitting in the delman nearby her brother ahmad. Either zainuddin or hayati they were gazing each other for a second. Just guess this scene, zainuddin and hayati meet. The music is displayed. Nidji, was trusted to make this film soundtracks.
“Who was her name?” asked Zainuddin to uncle.
“Her name was Hayati, she is schooled in Padang Panjang. She with her brother Ahmad is orphan. Her mamak (uncle) get responsibility to feed and keep them since they are orphan. The mamak dominance restricted men getting close to hayati” explained uncle
“What a beautiful girl” said zainuddin
“Yes of course she is. She is the star of Batipuh. The most beautiful girl ever in this village even in padang” said uncle
“oh..” zainuddin eard the explanation thoroughly
“so zainuddin if you wanna join the lesson after maghrib just come in surau” said uncle

In the night          
Zainuddin was absorbed by the speech. He was sitting in first line with the other hearers. The speech finished. The assembly is over. They separated. Unfortunately, it was raining. Hayati and her friend were waiting in lapau. Suddenly zainuddin with other men came and looked hayati with her friend waiting for rain abated. Zainuddin looked hayati for long time. it seem he want ot reveal something urgent. Zainuddin approached hayati and her friend.
“Excuse me encik (Miss)” said zainuddin politely
“Yes, engku (sir)” said both of them
“Use this umbrella first cik, I am not bother if you use this” offer Zainuddin friendly
“How about engku?” said hayati
“Don’t worry about me, I am a man and I am brave enough to across this rain” explained zainuddin
“THANKS engku” said hayati’s friend while grab the umbrella from Zainuddin’s palm
Hayati and her friend step forward left zainuddin behind the lapau
“Where I have to back this umbrella engku?” said hayati glancing at zainuddin
“Yes, cik. You could back it at mande jamilah house directly” said zainuddin
“THANKS ENGKU” said Hayati smiling at zainuddin

In the next morning. Hayati back the umbrella through ahmad and send a letter to zainuddin. Zainuddin read the letter thoroughly and smile. He found new friend at new place and it was hayati. They sent letter interchangeable for long time until one day zainuddin sadi to hayati that he love hayati more than friend. Zainuddin found one that really care and understood him. She is hayati. Hayati is his friend, his mate and his future wife. So on that letter zainuddin revealed his feeling concern their friendship and their next future. Zainuddin said to that letter that now he is not alone. He can see the world together with hayati. In one occasion hayati and zainuddin meet each other at the bank.
“why engku not seen lately?” said hayati
“I am not brave hayati, here I am viewed as makassares in Makassar I am viewed as Padangnese” said zainuddin
“It doesn’t matter engku. You have grit word come from your deepest of your soul. So it must be accepted by the pure heart only” suggest hayati enthusiasm and hospitality
“thank you hayati, but why you don’t reply my letter this time?” asked zainuddin
“I beg your pardon engku, I am not intend to left your letter behind. Honestly I have a lot of house stuff to complete” explained hayati.
Unfortunately, hayati’s mamak saw hayati and zainuddin chatting nearby bank. He looked disappointed and angry. But he back home calmly as if nothing happened.
“hayati and the buginese child Is not match, they just broke the firm costum”

New vocab :
Bank :  tepi sungai      
Viewed :  dipandang

will be continued at the next chapter


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