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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2015

Resep Coto Makassar

 BAHAN - BAHANYA : * 500 grm daging sapi * 500 grm babat, rebus matang * 300 grm hati sapi, rebus matang * 200 grm jantung sapi, rebus mating * 2,5 liter air cucian beras * 5 batang serai memarkan * 5 lembar daun salam * 250 grm kacang tanah ( goreng + tumbuk halus ) * 3 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis * 5 cm jahe yg dihaluskan * 4 cm ruas lengkuas geprek * 1 sdm buumbu kaldu bubuk rasa sapi * 6 sdm minyak sayur ▶ BUMBU YG DIHALUSKAN ; * 8 buah kemiri sangrai * 10 siung bawang putih * 1 sdm ketumbar sangrai * 1 sdt jinten sangrai * 1 sdt merica butiran * garam secukupnya ▶ BAHAN PELENGKAP; * bawang merah goreng * irisan daun bawang * irisan batang seledri ▶ BAHAN MEMBUAT SAMBAL TAOCO 🔀 HALUSKAN ; * 10 bawang merah * 5 siung bawang putih * 10 cabe merah kriting, rebus sebentar * 100 grm tauco 🔀 Tumis bahan sambal dgn 6 sdm minyak sayur hingga matang, haluskan tambahkan garam + gula marah. ⏩ CARA MEMBUATNYA; 1.) Rebus daging sapi, babat, hati &...


if you know more, you will not talk more. instead you will do more Living in a cottage as a students or workers Living in a city has a big risk. We have to deal with the some possibilities. The possibilities may be bad or worst. As a citizen, we might be finds some challenges. Thus we need to prepare everything set up. We need to prepare living cost such as dorm cost, water, electricity, phone credits, internet credits, daily life and health insurance. Everything in city is paid in proper amount of cost. You need to prepare for pure water, washing and electricity every month as an obligatory payment. Living in a dorm has complex problems. The problems may come from you and around you. If the problem come from yourself, please ask your private consultant. The consultant may vary. It might be from your father, mother, sister, brother, friend and so on. How about if the problem come from your surrounding and around you. It might be the hardest one. You need to confirm is that t...

Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck. Film Review

Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck THE SINKING OF VAN DER WIJCK This film was based on the well known novel wrote by the famous writer at balai pustaka era. Hamka was his name. He wrote a lot of novel in Islamic and romance genres. He is known by his portrayed in novel tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck. Di Bawa Naungan Ka’bah and so on. Honestly I ever read this novel when I was first grade at university. But I was not finish it yet, till I found my neighbor read it with his wife and they lend me it too. I was really happy that day because I can read that novel completely. Now back to our topic. The film was made by the famous director name Sunil Punjabi. According to the several sources I read and I can’t remember it because I think “I will not write this stuff”. This film was the expensive film ever in history because it needs five years to do casting in searching the right artist and find the proper location for the scenario. Lets take a look, for search an artist as a nurhayati,...

The fredom writers. film review

The freedom writers Film review. Versi Indonesia tersedia dibawah teks ini. I found this film just on my friend’s laptop. She really interested in sort of film. Then I copied this film immediately. The fim just told the story of children in school at room 203. They came from different race, ethnics, and social class. Alot of students are not white people. They gathered in one room by new regulation. They don’t know each other till one amazing and fresh teacher turned it up. The new teacher was Ms. G. She just merried with an architect. Become a teacher was her new experiance. On the other side, the a girl was sittin in front of her house. She waiting for her father to carry her along to school. Suddenly the bad accident happened right in front of her eyes. The herd of man shooted his friend’s father. His friiend’s fater is dead in foront of her eyes. While heard the shoot her father run out and captured by the police. She looked her father is prisoned by police with no reason. ...